TLS certificates

The entire Science Platform uses the same external hostname and relies on NGINX merging all the ingresses into a single virtual host with a single TLS configuration. As discussed in Hostnames and TLS, TLS for the Science Platform can be configured with either a default certificate in ingress-nginx or through Let’s Encrypt with the DNS solver.

If an installation is using Let’s Encrypt with the DNS solver, no further configuration of the NGINX ingresss is required. See Bootstrapping cert-issuer for setup information.

When using a commercial certificate, that certificate should be configured in the values-*.yaml for ingress-nginx for that environment. Specifically, add the following under ingress-nginx.controller:

  default-ssl-certificate: ingress-nginx/ingress-certificate

and add, at the top level:

  enabled: true
  path: secret/k8s_operator/<environment>/ingress-nginx

replacing <environment> with the hostname of the environment. Then, in the Vault key named by that path, store the commercial certificate. The Vault secret should have two keys: tls.crt and tls.key. The first should contain the full public certificate chain. The second should contain the private key (without a passphrase).

For an example of an environment configured this way, see /services/ingress-nginx/values-minikube.yaml