onepassword-connect-dev - 1Password API server (dev)#

1Password Connect provides API access to a 1Password vault. It is used to provide the API for Phalanx integration with 1Password as a source of static secrets.

Each instance of the upstream 1Password Connect chart provides an API server for a single 1Password vault. We want to use one vault per SQuaRE-managed Phalanx environment to ensure isolation of secrets between environments. The Phalanx onepassword-connect applications therefore instantiate the upstream chart multiple times, one for each vault we are providing access to.

Unfortunately, because dependencies and their aliases can’t be conditional on values.yaml settings, that means the set of 1Password Connect servers deployed on roundtable-dev have to be a separate application from the ones deployed on roundtable. This application is the roundtable-dev set of 1Password Connect API servers. These provide access to the vaults for development and test environments.

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/applications/onepassword-connect-dev Application template

Related docs

SQR-079: Secrets management for Phalanx








Argo CD
