
class, vault_title)#

Bases: object

Retrieve secrets stored in 1Password via 1Password Connect.

This client is specific to a particular Phalanx environment. It is created using the metadata of a Phalanx environment by OnepasswordStorage.

The 1Password Connect authentication token is taken from the OP_CONNECT_TOKEN environment variable, which must be set.

  • url (str) – URL of the 1Password Connect server.

  • vault_title (str) – Title of vault within that 1Password Connect server from which to retrieve secrets.

Methods Summary


Get static secrets for an environment from 1Password.

Methods Documentation


Get static secrets for an environment from 1Password.


query (dict[str, list[str]]) – Query for secrets in the form of a dictionary of applications to lists of secret keys for that application that should be retrieved.


Retrieved static secrets as a dictionary of applications to secret keys to StaticSecret objects.

Return type:

dict of dict