
pydantic model phalanx.models.secrets.ConditionalSourceSecretGenerateRules#

Conditional rules for generating a secret from another secret.


data (Any) –

Show JSON schema
   "title": "ConditionalSourceSecretGenerateRules",
   "description": "Conditional rules for generating a secret from another secret.",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "if": {
         "anyOf": [
               "type": "string"
               "type": "null"
         "default": null,
         "description": "Configuration only applies if this Helm chart setting is set to a true value",
         "title": "Condition"
      "type": {
         "description": "Type of secret",
         "enum": [
         "title": "Secret type",
         "type": "string"
      "source": {
         "description": "Key of secret on which this secret is based. This may only be set by secrets of type ``bcrypt-password-hash`` or ``mtime``.",
         "title": "Source key",
         "type": "string"
   "required": [

field condition: str | None = None (alias 'if')#

Configuration only applies if this Helm chart setting is set to a true value

field source: str [Required]#

Key of secret on which this secret is based. This may only be set by secrets of type bcrypt-password-hash or mtime.

field type: Literal[SecretGenerateType.bcrypt_password_hash, SecretGenerateType.mtime] [Required]#

Type of secret


source (SecretStr) –

Return type:


model_computed_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}#

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding ComputedFieldInfo objects.