
pydantic model phalanx.models.secrets.PullSecret

Specification for a Docker pull secret.


data (Any)

Show JSON schema
   "title": "PullSecret",
   "description": "Specification for a Docker pull secret.",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "description": {
         "default": "Pull secrets for Docker registries. Each key under registries is the name of a Docker registry that needs a pull secret. The value should have two keys, username and password, that provide the HTTP Basic Auth credentials for that registry.",
         "description": "Description of the pull secret for humans reading the YAML file",
         "title": "Description of pull secret",
         "type": "string"
      "registries": {
         "additionalProperties": {
            "$ref": "#/$defs/RegistryPullSecret"
         "default": {},
         "description": "Pull secrets for each registry that needs one",
         "title": "Pull secret by registry",
         "type": "object"
   "$defs": {
      "RegistryPullSecret": {
         "additionalProperties": false,
         "description": "Pull secret for a specific Docker Repository.",
         "properties": {
            "username": {
               "description": "HTTP Basic Auth username",
               "title": "Username",
               "type": "string"
            "password": {
               "description": "HTTP Basic Auth password",
               "format": "password",
               "title": "Password",
               "type": "string",
               "writeOnly": true
         "required": [
         "title": "RegistryPullSecret",
         "type": "object"
   "additionalProperties": false

  • extra: str = forbid

field description: YAMLFoldedString = 'Pull secrets for Docker registries. Each key under registries is the name of a Docker registry that needs a pull secret. The value should have two keys, username and password, that provide the HTTP Basic Auth credentials for that registry.'

Description of the pull secret for humans reading the YAML file

field registries: dict[str, RegistryPullSecret] = {}

Pull secrets for each registry that needs one


Convert to the serialized format used by Docker.

Return type:
