- pydantic model phalanx.models.environments.Environment#
A Phalanx environment and its associated settings.
- Parameters:
data (
) โ
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "Environment", "description": "A Phalanx environment and its associated settings.", "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "title": "Name", "type": "string" }, "fqdn": { "title": "Fqdn", "type": "string" }, "onepassword": { "anyOf": [ { "$ref": "#/$defs/OnepasswordConfig" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null }, "vaultUrl": { "title": "Vaulturl", "type": "string" }, "vaultPathPrefix": { "title": "Vaultpathprefix", "type": "string" }, "applications": { "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/$defs/ApplicationInstance" }, "title": "Applications", "type": "object" } }, "$defs": { "ApplicationInstance": { "description": "A Phalanx application as configured for a specific environment.", "properties": { "name": { "title": "Name", "type": "string" }, "environment": { "title": "Environment", "type": "string" }, "chart": { "title": "Chart", "type": "object" }, "values": { "title": "Values", "type": "object" }, "secrets": { "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/$defs/Secret" }, "default": {}, "description": "Secrets required for this application in this environment.", "title": "Required secrets", "type": "object" } }, "required": [ "name", "environment", "chart", "values" ], "title": "ApplicationInstance", "type": "object" }, "OnepasswordConfig": { "description": "Configuration for 1Password static secrets source.", "properties": { "connectUrl": { "format": "uri", "minLength": 1, "title": "Connecturl", "type": "string" }, "vaultTitle": { "title": "Vaulttitle", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "connectUrl", "vaultTitle" ], "title": "OnepasswordConfig", "type": "object" }, "Secret": { "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Specification for an application secret for a specific environment.\n\nThe same as `SecretConfig` except augmented with the secret application\nand key for internal convenience.", "properties": { "description": { "title": "Description", "type": "string" }, "copy": { "anyOf": [ { "$ref": "#/$defs/SecretCopyRules" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "description": "Rules for where the secret should be copied from" }, "generate": { "anyOf": [ { "$ref": "#/$defs/SimpleSecretGenerateRules" }, { "$ref": "#/$defs/SourceSecretGenerateRules" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Generate" }, "onepassword": { "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/$defs/SecretOnepasswordConfig" } ], "default": { "encoded": false } }, "value": { "anyOf": [ { "format": "password", "type": "string", "writeOnly": true }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Value" }, "key": { "title": "Key", "type": "string" }, "application": { "title": "Application", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "description", "key", "application" ], "title": "Secret", "type": "object" }, "SecretCopyRules": { "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Rules for copying a secret value from another secret.", "properties": { "application": { "title": "Application", "type": "string" }, "key": { "title": "Key", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "application", "key" ], "title": "SecretCopyRules", "type": "object" }, "SecretOnepasswordConfig": { "description": "Configuration for how a static secret is stored in 1Password.", "properties": { "encoded": { "default": false, "title": "Encoded", "type": "boolean" } }, "title": "SecretOnepasswordConfig", "type": "object" }, "SimpleSecretGenerateRules": { "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Rules for generating a secret value with no source information.", "properties": { "type": { "enum": [ "password", "gafaelfawr-token", "fernet-key", "rsa-private-key" ], "title": "Type", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "type" ], "title": "SimpleSecretGenerateRules", "type": "object" }, "SourceSecretGenerateRules": { "description": "Rules for generating a secret from another secret.", "properties": { "type": { "enum": [ "bcrypt-password-hash", "mtime" ], "title": "Type", "type": "string" }, "source": { "title": "Source", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "type", "source" ], "title": "SourceSecretGenerateRules", "type": "object" } }, "required": [ "name", "fqdn", "vaultUrl", "vaultPathPrefix", "applications" ] }
- Config:
alias_generator: function = <function to_camel_case at 0x7f88c379c900>
populate_by_name: bool = True
- Fields:
- Validators:
- field applications: dict[str, ApplicationInstance] [Required]#
Applications enabled for that environment, by name.
- field fqdn: str [Required]#
Fully-qualified domain name.
- field name: str [Required]#
Name of the environment.
- field onepassword: OnepasswordConfig | None = None#
Configuration for using 1Password as a static secrets source.
- Validated by:
- field vault_path_prefix: str [Required] (alias 'vaultPathPrefix')#
Prefix of Vault paths, including the Kv2 mount point.
- field vault_url: str [Required] (alias 'vaultUrl')#
URL of Vault server.
- all_applications()#
Return all enabled applications in sorted order.
- Return type:
- model_dump(**kwargs)#
Export the model as a dictionary.
Overridden to change the default of
from False to True, so that by default the exported dictionary uses camel-case.
- model_dump_json(**kwargs)#
Export the model as JSON.
Overridden to change the default of
from False to True, so that by default the exported dictionary uses camel-case.