Control-System-Test Helm values reference¶
Helm values reference table for the control-system-test
Key |
Type |
Default |
Description |
global.baseUrl |
string |
Set by Argo CD |
Base URL for the environment |
global.controlSystem.appNamespace |
string |
Set by ArgoCD |
Application namespace for the control system deployment |
global.controlSystem.imageTag |
string |
Set by ArgoCD |
Image tag for the control system deployment |
global.controlSystem.kafkaBrokerAddress |
string |
Set by ArgoCD |
Kafka broker address for the control system deployment |
global.controlSystem.kafkaTopicReplicationFactor |
string |
Set by ArgoCD |
Kafka topic replication factor for control system topics |
global.controlSystem.s3EndpointUrl |
string |
Set by ArgoCD |
S3 endpoint (LFA) for the control system deployment |
global.controlSystem.schemaRegistryUrl |
string |
Set by ArgoCD |
Schema registry URL for the control system deployment |
global.controlSystem.siteTag |
string |
Set by ArgoCD |
Site tag for the control system deployment |
global.controlSystem.topicName |
string |
Set by ArgoCD |
Topic name tag for the control system deployment | |
string |
Set by Argo CD |
Host name for ingress |
global.vaultSecretsPath |
string |
Set by Argo CD |
Base path for Vault secrets |
integration-testing.enabled |
bool |
Enable the integration testing system |
rumba.enabled |
bool |
Enable cronjob to clean up inactivate Kafka consumers. |
integration-testing.envEfd |
string |
The Name of the EFD instance. |
integration-testing.image.tag |
string |
The image tag for the Integration Test runner container |
integration-testing.jobLabelName |
string |
Label for jobs to get them to appear in application |
integration-testing.persistentVolume.claimName |
string |
PVC name for saving the reports | |
string |
Storage size request for the PVC |
integration-testing.reportLocation |
string |
Container location of the RobotFramework reports |
integration-testing.s3Bucket |
string |
The S3 bucket name to use |
integration-testing.serviceAccount |
string |
This sets the service account name |
integration-testing.workflowName |
string |
Name for the top-level workflow |
rumba.failedJobsHistoryLimit |
int |
The number of failed pods to keep |
rumba.image.pullPolicy |
string |
rumba.image.tag |
string |
The image tag for the rumba cronjob container |
rumba.namespace |
string |
This is the namespace in which the rumba cronjob will be placed |
rumba.schedule |
string |
“*/10 * * * *” (every ten minutes) |
The Schedule for executing the job to clean up inactive consumers |
rumba.successfulJobsHistoryLimit |
int |
The number of succesful pods to keep |