
User has no access to services

If a user successfully authenticates through the Gafaelfawr /login route but then cannot access an application such as the Notebook or Portal, or if Gafaelfawr tells them that they are not a member of any authorized groups, start by determining what groups the user is a member of.

Have the user go to /auth/api/v1/user-info, which will provide a JSON dump of their authentication information. There is nothing secret in this information, so they can safely cut and paste it into a help ticket, Slack, etc.

The important information is in the groups portion of the JSON document. This shows the group membership as seen by Gafaelfawr. Scopes are then assigned based on the config.groupMapping configuration in the values-*.yaml file for that environment. Chances are good that the user is not a member of a group that conveys the appropriate scopes.

From there, the next step is usually to determine why the user is not a member of the appropriate group. Usually this means they weren’t added or (in the case of groups from GitHub teams) didn’t accept the invitation.

For a new GitHub configuration, it’s possible that the organizational membership is private and the user didn’t release it. See Releasing GitHub organization data for more details about that problem.

COmanage enrollment fails after prompting for attributes

If all attempts to enroll new users in COmanage fail after the user enters their name and email address with the error “Please recheck the highlighted fields,” the issue is probably with the enrollment attribute configuration. If there is a problem with the configuration of a hidden field, the error message may be very confusing and non-specific.

Double-check the configuration of the “Self Signup With Approval” enrollment flow against SQR-055. Pay careful attention to the enrollment attributes, particularly the “Users group” configuration, which has a hidden value. There is currently a bug in COmanage that causes it to not display the default values for attributes properly, so you may need to edit the enrollment attribute and set the default value again to be certain it’s correct.

Viewing logs

For other issues, looking at the pod logs for the gafaelfawr deployment in the gafaelfawr namespace is the best next step. The best way to look at current logs is via Argo CD, which will group together the logs from all pods managed by that deployment and optionally add timestamps.

Find the Deployment resource named gafaelfawr (not the Redis or tokens deployment) and choose Logs from the menu. Then, use the Containers button (it looks like three horizontal lines with the middle one offset) at the top and select the gafaelfawr container. That will show a merged view of the logs of all of the pods, and you can look for error messages.

You can also add timestamps to the start of each line and download the logs with other buttons at the top. Downloading logs will give you somewhat older logs, although usually only about a half-hour’s worth since Gafaelfawr generates a lot of logs.

The logs from Gafaelfawr are in JSON format. The best way to search older logs (and arguably the best way to look at current logs) is to use a JSON-aware log view and search tool if available for the environment that you’re debugging. For the IDF environments, use Google Log Explorer.