Upgrading an applicationΒΆ

First, for first-party applications, release a new version of the application by pushing an image with the new version tag to whichever Docker repository is used. For most applications, this should be done via GitHub Actions when a tag is created by adding a new release.

Then, update Phalanx to install the new version of the application.

  • If it is a first-party application such as mobu, with its chart directly in Phalanx, update the appVersion in Chart.yaml.

  • If it is a third-party application such as cert-manager and you are updating to a newer version of the third-party Helm chart, update the version in the relevant dependency in Chart.yaml. Normally Mend Renovate will create PRs to do this automatically.

  • If it is a complex application such as sasquatch that bundles first- and third-party applications, you may need to do both, including making updates to appVersion or dependency versions in the charts subdirectory. Tricky cases such as these may require some study before deciding on the best course of action.

  • If you only want to test a new version of the application in a specific environment, edit the values-environment.yaml file for that environment and override the image.tag setting to point to the new test version. This can be either a new tag or (more commonly) the name of an image built from a branch, such as tickets-DM-NNNNN. In this case, you will also want to set image.pullPolicy to Always so that you can restart the deployment to pick up new test versions. image.tag and image.pullPolicy are the normal names for these settings but, depending on the application, the specific configuration setting may be different.

Once you have updated the application, Argo CD will notice that the change is pending, but no changes will be applied automatically. To apply the changes in a given environment, see Syncing Argo CD in an environment.